This study has been conducted to study the impact of diary writing on mental health of adolescent girls. A sample of 100 girlsfrom Shri Ram Collage Muzaffernagar (U.P.), who are studying in first year of graduation, was selected from accidental sampling method.Sample was divided into two groups, 50 in experimental group and 50 in control group. Diary writing was selected as the independent variable, which was appliedfor 3 months where girls used to write down their thoughts and feelings; independently 30 minutes each for 5 days a week. Mental health of girls was assessed using the ‘Mental Health Inventory’. Statistical analysis of the data was performed using the SPSS software (version 18) the result indicated that there was a significant difference between experimental and control group on the level of mental health of adolescent girls. The findings of this study indicate that the practice of diary writing significantly improved the level of mental health of adolescent girls.
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