Section Policies
Peer Review Process
Publication Frequency
Open Access Policy
Publication Charge
Section Policies
Original research article
Review article
Case study
Peer Review Process
Original research articles, review articles, case reports, perspectives and opinion are assessed by two independent reviewers to determine their suitability for publication based on their originality, significance, and scholarly merit. All submitted manuscripts are sent for review unless they are out of scope or below the threshold level of the journal. The manuscripts will be sent to two experts for an informed recommendation on whether the articles should be accepted for publication. Statistical reviewers are also used where necessary. We employ a 'double-blind' reviewing system (where both the reviewer and author remain anonymous to eachother. Once the reviews have been received by the editor, a decision is made whether to accept the manuscript, ask for a revised version, or reject it. Ultimate responsibility for editorial decisions rests with the Editor-in-chief of the journal. Reviewers are asked to declare any competing interests.
Publication Frequency
DSIIJ publishes two online issues a year. We welcome submissions at any time; accepted manuscripts will appear in the next issue.
Open Access Policy
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
The Journal uses its institutional archiving facilities
Publication Charge
The journal charges no fee to author. There are no submission and publication charges.