Emotional-Spiritual Intelligence


Samarth Bharat
Spiritual Intelligence


How to Cite

WADHWANI, P. (2016). Emotional-Spiritual Intelligence: For Revival of Values in Samarth Bharat. Dev Sanskriti Interdisciplinary International Journal, 8, 36–46. https://doi.org/10.36018/dsiij.v8i0.86


India once renowned as a land of gold and flourishing market, revered as a seat of higher learning and the origin place of many religions, sought as a country with rich spiritual culture, held in high regard as a tolerant nation that survived many atrocities, is now striving to regain its old glory and status of ‘Jagat Guru’- the teacher of the World. Assertions are that the foundation of those glorious times was in its education system that was grounded in the Vedas and highly spiritual teachers whose spirituality guided society’s value system. The shift in focus from spiritual thinking to rational-material thinking is the plausible cause of change. This paper is an empirical attempt to study rational, emotional and spiritual intelligence of teachers with respect to their values to further establish the assertion and the relative importance of the different dimensions of intelligence. Data was collected from 372 teachers from Bhopal city of Madhya Pradesh selected through stratified random sampling technique. Standardised tools like, The Group Test of General Mental Ability, Raven’s Standard Progressive Matrices, Emotional Intelligence Scale, Personal Values Questionnaire and Spiritual Intelligence Questionnaire developed by the researcher were used for data collection. Step wise Regression was used to analyze the data. Results indicate some interesting findings establishing the emotional and spiritual dimensions of intelligence as predictors of some significant values needed to revive the degenerated society. The implications have been discussed.



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