In rural areas, there is a greater need for resources to empower women compared to urban areas. As we all know, the government has launched many schemes for rural development as well as for women’s development. Despite this, encouraging and empowering women in rural areas remains a significant challenge. When someone says we are living in the 21st century, the first question that comes to mind is, "Are we really living in the 21st century?" Women in rural areas are still primarily occupied with household chores.
However, many community radios have become a boon in rural areas, bringing about significant changes in the lives of many women. Despite not being highly educated, rural women are successfully running community radio stations. Most importantly, these women have taken leadership positions in these radio stations. Are these women truly empowering others in their communities?
Nowadays, the media plays a crucial role in creating awareness among women through television programs, radio shows, newspapers, and magazines. Since rural women are often not highly educated, radio serves as a particularly effective medium. Community radios are actively working towards the development of these communities.
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