Dev Sanskriti: Interdisciplinary International Journal, published by Dev Sanskriti University, Haridwar, continues to illuminate interdisciplinary subjects rooted in ancient Indian science and spirituality. As envisioned by Pandit Shri Ram Sharma Acharya, our institution shapes noble individuals, blending science and spirituality.
This volume presents diverse contributions to Dev Sanskriti's interdisciplinary subjects. The first three articles are pillars of research, while the latter two offer insights that enrich our understanding of ancient wisdom and contemporary relevance.
In the inaugural research article, in Volume 24 of Dev Sanskriti: Interdisciplinary International Journal, Agita Baltgalve explores the profound connections between the Gayatri mantra in Vedic tradition and Latvian folksongs, marking a significant milestone in comparative literature and linguistic studies. While extensive research has established the affinity between Sanskrit and European languages, this study delves into the largely uncharted territory of Sanskrit and Latvian. The research examines lexicogrammatical and semantic aspects, shedding light on the spiritual reverence for the Sun in both cultures. By analyzing three poetic texts—the Gayatri mantra and two Latvian folksongs—Baltgalve uncovers the similarities and differences in literary expression, grammar, and lexicon. This pioneering work not only enriches our understanding of linguistic connections but also highlights the shared spiritual heritage between Vedic and Latvian traditions.
The second article by Abhishek Srivastava and Sonal Atreya, from the Department of Design at the Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, explores "Reshaping the future of Design Education: Takeaways from the accounts of the ancient Indian Rishis." By delving into the teaching methodologies of ancient Indian teachers, or Rishis, the authors unravel profound insights for modern design education, drawing from the rich tapestry of our cultural heritage.
Following this, Divyansh Jain and J.K. Savalia, from the Department of Ashtang Yoga at Lakulish Yoga University, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, present their research on "Evaluating the Effectiveness of Higher Meditation Technique (Cyclic Meditation) on the Respiratory Rate and Efficiency Level among Ministerial Employees." Their study underscores the transformative potential of Cyclic Meditation in enhancing physical and mental well-being, offering empirical evidence rooted in ancient yogic practices.
In the fourth article as a perspective article, Indu Sharma and Pawan Kumar explored yoga's role in personal development, emphasizing its importance in fostering a holistic and self-reliant life. Personality, a dynamic integration of mental and physical traits, allowed individuals to harmonize with their environment. Enhancing these dimensions through yoga led to superior personality development. This research examined yoga's impact on personality, using concepts from the Upanishads, philosophy, and the Bhagavad Gita. The study highlighted yoga's ability to improve lifestyle, behavior, and spiritual elevation, fostering self-reliance and contributing to national progress.
Lastly, transitioning further into the realm of perspectives, Priyanka Chauhan and colleagues from Dr. D. Y. Patil College of Ayurved and Research Centre, Pune, shed light on "The Significance of Munjayadi Dravya in Mritasanrakshana Paddhati: A Scientific Exploration of Life-Preserving Elixirs." Their exploration bridges ancient Ayurvedic wisdom with modern scientific understanding, elucidating the role of traditional methods in preserving the human body.
We extend our gratitude to the authors and diligent reviewers for their contributions to this volume. We hope this issue inspires recognition of the significance of indigenous knowledge in shaping our future.
To our readers, we invite your feedback as we strive to make Dev Sanskriti a beacon of indigenous wisdom. May this volume enrich your pursuits and deepen your appreciation of our cultural heritage. Wishing you a year of growth and understanding.

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