Effectiveness of Cyclic Meditation on the Level of Respiratory Rate and Efficiency Level Among Ministerial Employees


Higher Meditation technique
Cyclic Meditation
Respiratory Rate
Efficiency level
Ministerial employees


How to Cite

JAIN , D. ., & SAVALIA, J. . (2024). Effectiveness of Cyclic Meditation on the Level of Respiratory Rate and Efficiency Level Among Ministerial Employees. Dev Sanskriti Interdisciplinary International Journal, 24, 22–27. https://doi.org/10.36018/dsiij.24.347


Higher meditation technique (CM) is not a harder meditation procedure, it’s only a cluster of breath awareness, awareness of internal sensations, yoga asana, and relaxation, coined by Dr.H.R. Nagendra with the reference to Mandukya Upanishad 3.44. Various studies of CM depict a positive role in physical well-being and mental illness. This study was described to balance respiratory rate levels and improve efficiency levels through Cyclic Meditation. A total number of 104 male and female ministerial employees were selected in this study whereas 52 male and female ministerial employees as an experimental group and 52 male and female employees as the control group in this study in the age range of 21 to 45. The Higher meditation technique was assessed on respiratory rate and efficiency levels. Both group pre-post design was adopted. The level of respiratory rate levels and efficiency level were measured for all ministerial employees at the onset of the research and after three months. (I) higher meditation practice (CM) was given and (ii) duration was 35 minutes for 3 months. Observation or counting the breath method was used for this study and the quality of life (QOLS) questionnaire was used for assessing the efficiency levels for this study. Data were analyzed using Spss software and to find out the impact of cyclic meditation, a t-test was applied for statistical analysis of the data. There were significant changes in the scores of all respiratory rates (p<0.05) and a significant enhancement in efficiency levels (p<0.01) after the intervention in the experimental group among ministerial employees. A bunch of awareness as well as various asana (postures), stimulation, and relaxation in meditation balance Respiratory levels and improve efficiency levels after intervention among Ministerial employees.



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Copyright (c) 2024 DIVYANSH JAIN , J.K. SAVALIA