Yagya –Vedic way to Prevent Air pollution


Air pollution


How to Cite

SINGH, R. (2012). Yagya –Vedic way to Prevent Air pollution. Dev Sanskriti Interdisciplinary International Journal, 1, 29–35. https://doi.org/10.36018/dsiij.v1i.3


Today, as the environment is getting deteriorated & there is a hue & cry about pollution spreading everywhere, its utility has increased much more as compared to that in the yesteryears. In fact, there are polluted sentiments and motives that are reigning supreme on all animates and inanimate being. As a
result, disease, anxiety and friction are spreading everywhere. The only effective scientific solution to this problem has appeared in the form of yagya. Yagyagni, that is going to be produced by the combined energy or vitality and matter prima-facie that may seem a religious act, but its power & effects are
extraordinary, and this has been proved through extensive and successful experimentation over the last two decades by the scientists.



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