Marma Science, an extraordinary gem in the vast treasure of Ayurvedic knowledge, represents the science of specific vital places in the body (Marmas), that are the ‘seats of life’ (Prana - the vital life force). As any injury to these parts may lead to severe pain, disability, loss of function, loss of sensation, or death, therefore, they hold an important place in the science of surgery. The ancient scriptures have strictly prohibited causing any injury to the Marmas. However, recent researches have used Marma stimulation for theraputic benefits, with encouraging outcomes. Looking at these mutually conflicting, important applications of Marma Science, the present study was undertaken for its in-depth analysis. Previously, we have explored different aspects of Marma Science in ancient and classical Indian scriptures. In addition, our other study have provided detailed description of the number of Marmas, their location, structures involved, classification, effect of trauma, etc., as per classical texts, as well as correlation with modern science. Previously, we also published its use in Yoga and other ancient Indian traditions, both as a therapeutic technique, as well as for self-defense and inflicting injury on the opponents. The present article explored its application as a therapeutic procedure (Marma Therapy). Different methods of Marma stimulation have been compiled. Therapeutic classification and applications of Marmas have been listed, and several research studies on Marma Therapy have been presented. Several mechanisms for the mode of action of Marma Therapy have been discussed. It is concluded that Marma Science holds significant promise as an effective therapeutic procedure.
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