Assessment of Physico-Chemical Parameters of Groundwater For Drinking Purpose With Reference to Resettlement Area, Vavuniya


Village tank
EC and Hardness


How to Cite

Shah , P., Nanthakumaran, A. ., & Kawamoto, K. (2019). Assessment of Physico-Chemical Parameters of Groundwater For Drinking Purpose With Reference to Resettlement Area, Vavuniya. Dev Sanskriti Interdisciplinary International Journal, 14, 31–39.


This study deals with Physico-chemical of groundwater and surface water that are degraded by geological structure, poor sanitation, solid waste dumping and cultivation in this area have led surface and groundwater pollution with organic and inorganic substances through surface runoff, excessive irrigation and open grazing of cattle. The study was focused to analyze physico-chemical parameters of groundwater and comparing the suitability of village tank water with purpose to reduce the peak demand of drinking water.  Monthly changes in physico-chemical parameters such as pH, EC, turbidity,phosphate, nitrates and total hardness were analyzed and tested parameters were within the permissible limits of World Health Organization except for EC (671 -6180 ?S/cm) and total hardness (58-1396 mg/l).The tube wells water had low level of hardness (h=258 mg/l). Similarly, a high level of nitrate fluctuation was also recorded in wells close to agricultural land. The level of hardness was significantly (P- value <0.05) decreased with increasing the depth of groundwater sources, implying that the soil filtration and buffering may contribute to the natural water treatment. On the basis of findings, it was concluded that increasing level of EC and hardness in groundwater was not found to be suitable for drinking purpose and public health.However, it is recommended that water treatment system such as filtration and boiling should be used for reducing a level of hardness prior to utilization as portable water.


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