Yogic Principles of Healing


Immune system
Healing and Yogic Principles


How to Cite

SARASWATI, M. (2012). Yogic Principles of Healing. Dev Sanskriti Interdisciplinary International Journal, 1, 01–05. https://doi.org/10.36018/dsiij.v1i.1


This study has been conducted to explore the Yogic Principles of Healing. Yogic concept perceive that human personality, we have Annamaya kosha, Pranamaya kosha, Manomaya kosha, Vijyanamaya kosha and Ananadamaya kosha. The yogic integrated approach thus consists in not only dealing with physical sheath but also using techniques to operate on different sheaths of our existence. The current mechanistic world view, the matter-based approach in life and mounting stress is supposed to be the cause of many such ailments. In recent years, it has been found through researches that age-old tradition of Yoga is becoming relevant to this high tech era. At this stage, the age-old tradition of yoga and meditation are beginning to enter modern health care as a way to manage stress relate ailment and promote positive health. As a result of this, Yoga gained prominence as a psych physiological system of self-regulation with therapeutic implications.



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